Let's Do It ! Let's clean the world !
Die Raupe ist offizieller Partner in diesem weltweiten Projekt für Müllentsorgung.
Let’s Do It! movement and World Cleanup 2014 Meet one of the fastest-expanding civic movements in the history - Let's Do It!
The movement was born in 2008 in a little country of Northern Europe – Estonia. 50.000 people came together to get rid of 10.000 tons of illegal garbage from roadsides, forests and towns, cleaning the entire country in just 5 hours. The short video about the action inspired people in many different countries to do the same. Thus, the network of people, determined to organize massive cleanup actions to clean their home countries, started to grow. By today, more than 100 different inspired cleanup actions, engaging altogether about 9 million volunteers, have already taken place in different countries.
Let's Do It! movement, hand in hand with hundreds of volunteers, NGOs and many other groups and organizations, came together to initiate the most ambitious global volunteer action ever - World Cleanup 2012: a series of local, national and regional cleanup events taking place from 24th of March 2012 until 25th of September 2012. By now, we have reached 110 countries who are in the Let's Do It! network.
Creating the ugliest map ever!
World Waste Map According to estimations there's 100 million tons of illegal garbage lying around in the world. In many places people and organizations have been working hard for many years to clean local areas. But until this moment, in most of the countries, there is not even a clear understanding how big is the problem of illegal garbage. To get to know the real extent of the problem, to give everyone a chance to make a difference in their homes and neighborhoods, Let's Do It! movement is inviting people to join the global community of garbage mappers! World Waste Map - an easy-to-use free online tool, that everyone can use to map the illegal garbage in any area in the world. By using free applications for iPhone and Android phones, it's possible to send the data and locations of the most troubling dumping areas to an open virtual world waste map, which is visible to everyone online.